Aucune traduction exact pour سئ الحظ

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  • He was bad luck!
    ! لقد كان سئ الحظ
  • It's a very unlucky place!
    إنه مكان سئ الحظّ
  • I've been down on my luck lately.
    سئ الحظ جداً مؤخراً
  • The unlucky leather jacket? Oh, no!
    جاكيت سئ الحظ؟ !! لا
  • You're out of luck.
    أنت سئ الحظ
  • He wasn't so unlucky.
    لم يكن سئ الحظ
  • An unfortunate husband... of one of Pastor John's flock took a gun to his head.
    زوج سئ الحظ
  • All right, that guy was bad luck and it's starting to rub off on me.
    ! لقد كان سئ الحظ
  • It's unlucky! Set got burnt!
    سئ الحظّ المكان قد احترق
  • Told you it was unlucky.
    !! قلت لك أنه سئ الحظ